CE Marking Marbles

Art Stone Project S.r.o. is one of the first companies in Italy to affix the CE marking on its products.

The CE marking in Chiampo, in addition to being compulsory by law, reflects the aim of the company to approach a more and more demanding and competitive market where the certifications, research, analysis and development are crucial. The CE marking in Chiampo is subject to careful lab analysis to reach the standards like the resistance through flexure, the absorption, the porosity, resistance to frosting and other important features. Such features make the various types of marbles suitable for some specific manufacturing processes or uses. The choice of the most suitable material is followed by the specialized staff, ready to provide the clients with all the assistance they need to make the correct choice. The choice of the suitable marble, therefore, must consider also the structural features of the stone. This material keeps its specifications constant over time if it is correctly maintained. Polishing and sanding processes are periodically recommended to enhance the quality of the material for a long time.